The SAFE-CITIES Community is a community of practitioners and experts in the field of protecting public places that is part of the European SAFE-CITIES project.
SAFE-CITIES ( is a project that aims to improve the protection of public spaces by providing a framework for security and vulnerability assessments, supported by an interactive platform. The tool will enable the simulation of complex scenarios, taking into account crowd behaviour and different types of attacks in any space in a realistic 3D virtual environment, and will therefore allow comprehensive and dynamic risk and vulnerability assessments of surveyed locations.
The project is funded by the European Commission and the Polish Platform for Homeland Security is involved in its implementation. The project team is looking for practitioners and experts in the field of the protection of public places to join the project community called “SAFE-CITIES Community”. Membership of the community guarantees:
- early access to tools under development,
- information on progress in the development of the Security and Vulnerability Assessment Framework (SVA framework),
- the opportunity to enrich existing knowledge,
- exchange of good practices between practitioners from EU countries,
- building relationships in the European arena,
broadening the perspective on the topic of protecting public places in Europe.
To join the “SAFE-CITIES Community” simply register via this website:
Due to the international nature of the project, basic knowledge of English is required. For more details, please see the flyer at this link: